News Archives

5 steps for making analytics work for your credit union

5 steps for making analytics work for your credit union

by: Austin Wentzlaff Analytics is top-of-mind for many credit union executives. Yet, as with all new technologies, there is a concern that it won’t work.  The concern is well justified.  There are many technologies [...]

Two sides of management

Two sides of management

by: Anthony Demangone Working with people is very difficult. I don't have to tell you that. I think what makes it difficult is that as a leader or manager, you need to believe in people. [...]

Those who do remember history

Those who do remember history

A fascinating discussion on the effects the gold standard, historical wars, economic development, and other events have had upon modern transaction limitations. by: Shelbey Neil “My financial institution stopped paying interest on my money market [...]

EMV – No need to panic!

EMV – No need to panic!

with Holli Targan The world is changing with blinding speed. News media have sensationalized everything from Ebola to data breaches and yes, even EMV. There is always a fear of the unknown, and EMV is [...]

Washington and Lincoln: Financial role models

Washington and Lincoln: Financial role models

by: CHRISTINA PONTISSO Today we celebrate President’s Day a holiday mostly associated with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln’s birthdays. A day in which most Americans take time to celebrate American history. Another thing [...]

Data Analytics will play larger role in 2015 cyber security

Data Analytics will play larger role in 2015 cyber security

by: Brandon Bogler Following the alarming number of data breaches over the past year and a half, cyber security remains top of mind for financial institutions (FIs). As a result, FIs are working to determine [...]

Behaviors all leaders should exhibit

Behaviors all leaders should exhibit

by: Dan Berger What if you looked at leadership as a personal quality and behavior rather than a role or title? That’s how Warren Bennis, author of “On Becoming a Leader,” describes leadership in [...]