News Archives

Is your credit union market smart?

Is your credit union market smart?

Optimization:  an act, process, or methodology of making something (as a design, system, or decision) as fully perfect, functional, or effective as possible. A recent financial industry study presented by Accenture, discussed a 15-20% reduction [...]

3 big data and analytics lessons for credit unions: Parsing the storm

3 big data and analytics lessons for credit unions: Parsing the storm

by: Peter Keers Big Data and Analytics lessons for credit unions can come from some unlikely sources. Consider the contest between U.S. and European weather-prediction models. The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) [...]

3 key resources for supporting your disaster recovery strategy

3 key resources for supporting your disaster recovery strategy

by: Mark Komnik Does your credit union have the necessary resources needed to resume business operations in the event of a disruption or disaster?  Disaster Recovery Plans will vary from institution to institution, but these [...]

Eliminate the non essentials

Eliminate the non essentials

“The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials.” - Lin Yutang The above quote starts chapter one in Greg McKeowan’s book Essentialism. While the book deals more with how you handle your [...]

Banking channel shift is for real … except with checks

Banking channel shift is for real … except with checks

by: Wendy Blaeser By now only the truly clueless have missed the polar shift that’s taking place in the banking industry, as your account holders are increasingly choosing digital channels for interacting with their [...]

Can we have too little inflation?

Can we have too little inflation?

by: Henry Meier Yes we can and it’s the most important metric that the Fed will look at as it moves closer to a likely decision  to start raising short-term interest rates by the [...]

The iPhone effect

The iPhone effect

What do all these smartphones mean for branch delivery? by: Suzi McNicholas It is clear that now, more than ever, today’s consumers are heavily influenced by technology that is simple, cool and connected. Take [...]

Four tried-and-true deposit growth strategies

Four tried-and-true deposit growth strategies

by: Amanda Lowery You’ve spent months (maybe years) aggressively courting members in their prime borrowing years to offset your credit union’s aging Baby Boomer population. You’ve run promotions, offered incentives, competed on [...]

Considering new systems? How to improve chances for success

Considering new systems? How to improve chances for success

Many credit union management teams are considering changes to their mobile platform, home banking, loan origination system (LOS) and/or account opening system (AOS).  The following are just a few (of many) tips to consider: [...]

Credit unions: Once in a millennial opportunity

Credit unions: Once in a millennial opportunity

by: Jason Vitug As a millennial, I know we have lots in common with our grandparents. Our grandparents wanted simplicity, trustworthiness and personal connection when dealing with their finances. Millennials are no different, except we [...]