News Archives

Are you making any of these content marketing mistakes?

Are you making any of these content marketing mistakes?

by: Brooke Howell These days, content marketing is essential to getting your business noticed and connecting with customers and prospects. Once you’ve gotten started, though, it’s important to continually monitor your performance, learn [...]

The challenge with getting ready for your NCUA IT exam

The challenge with getting ready for your NCUA IT exam

by: Robin Remines According to the January NCUA Report, “In 2015, NCUA will redouble its efforts to ensure that the credit union system is adequately protected from cyber threats. Field staff will be reviewing credit [...]

Real-time engagement: Too costly for credit unions?

Real-time engagement: Too costly for credit unions?

For marketers at financial institutions, the big buzzword over the past five years has been “ENGAGEMENT.” In fact, we’d bet our piggy bank that when your financial institution planned its marketing strategy for 2015, [...]

5 keys of consumer-centric marketing

5 keys of consumer-centric marketing

At its core, customer-centric marketing is about creating satisfied customers and enhancing your brand. Traditional methods that once worked are becoming outdated, requiring us to keep up with technology and accommodate the impact it’s [...]

Just throw strikes

Just throw strikes

Editors note: As I finished this post, something seemed familiar. Well, there was a reason. I wrote about this day before. I thought about scratching it and starting over, but I looked back at the [...]

Use lifestyle data to build loyalty

Use lifestyle data to build loyalty

by: Brandon Bogler The Age of the Consumer is a key area of focus for financial institutions (FIs), particularly when it comes to Big Data. In their efforts to satisfy today’s increasingly tech-savvy consumers, [...]

The 95% rule

The 95% rule

by: Dan Berger Recently, I read an article about the 95-percent rule. I found it so helpful that I forwarded it to my entire management team. What’s the 95-percent rule? “It is a simple [...]

Now what?

by: Henry Meier As expected, at yesterday’s board meeting the NCUA proposed raising the cap below which a credit union is considered a small credit union for regulatory relief purposes from $50 to $100 [...]