News Archives

Capital planning and stress testing

Capital planning and stress testing

As the first round of NCUA supervisory stress tests are being completed, NCUA’s capital planning and stress testing rule for the largest credit unions might have you asking if you should be doing capital [...]

Stand on the right, walk on the left

Stand on the right, walk on the left

This guide to DC shows visitors how to live local and get the most out their time in The District during CUNA's Governmental Affairs Conference. by: Leigh Anne Terry Next week, credit union leaders and [...]

Gomez: This is our time to take action

Gomez: This is our time to take action

by: Miriam DeDios Federation colleagues and I have been overwhelmed by the terrific response to the financial inclusion campaign, which kicked off in January at the Financial Inclusion for Immigrant Consumers Roundtable held in Los [...]

20 percent beyond top performance

20 percent beyond top performance

I recently finished reading Jason Redman’s book, The Trident. In it, Redman describes how he led a team of Navy SEALs in Iraq that got split up in an ambush by Al Qaida operatives. [...]

DNA of a credit union

DNA of a credit union

The DNA of any organism is the model of its identity.  Analytical models of data (the building blocks of the credit union) will allow the industry to make better decisions that reflect their character. by: [...]

7 traits that can damage your success as a leader

7 traits that can damage your success as a leader

by: Dan Berger As leaders, or aspiring leaders, we all want to achieve success – both personally and for our organizations. Success can mean different things to different people, but regardless of your definition, there are [...]

Management guidance from…NCUA

Management guidance from…NCUA

by: Anthony Demangone So often, we look to leadership "gurus" to ensure we are on the right path. Perhaps it is the newest book or an article from the Harvard Business Review. But if you [...]

What despots can teach us about student branching

What despots can teach us about student branching

by: Henry Meier Say what you want about your most successful despots and dictators they are almost all keen observers of the human condition.  Take for instance Lenin who once explained that, “Give me four [...]

Two strategies in one

Two strategies in one

Ambiguity. Complexity. Uncertainty. Volatility. That sums up the degree and pace of change that credit unions face every day. Where is that legendary and chock-full-of-stability “3-6-3 Rule” of yesteryear (borrow at 3 percent, lend at [...]