News Archives

RBC 2: Review, recalculate, respond

RBC 2: Review, recalculate, respond

Proposed rules have been issued fast and furious over the last few years. Given the volume of final rules, credit unions often do not have the time or resources to delve into the details of [...]

Would you go 37 years without a paycheck?

Would you go 37 years without a paycheck?

by: Shazia Manus I was blown away (and that’s an understatement) by the presentation of Clarence Hall Jr.’s story and tribute video shared during the National Credit Union Foundation (NCUF) Dinner in Washington, [...]

5 ways to get a seat at the table

5 ways to get a seat at the table

by: Brian Wringer A while back, we ran a poll asking credit union marketers “Does marketing have a voice at your board and/or management meetings?” To our surprise, we found that only half of [...]

Thinking of growing your loan staff? Think again

Thinking of growing your loan staff? Think again

GOOD NEWS: Loan volume is up. BAD NEWS: Your lending manager is saying, “We need to hire more people!” Also, the current staff is working overtime. GOOD NEWS: You may not have to add staff [...]

Banks? We don’t need no stinking banks!

Banks? We don’t need no stinking banks!

That seems to be the attitude of many millennials based on the number of surveys that consistently report that those born between 1982 to 2000 are at best indifferent and at worst skeptical when it [...]

Facebook’s uphill P2P battle

Facebook’s uphill P2P battle

by: Ron Shevlin Indulge me, if you will, and let me give you some advice on how to pick a fight. Not a physical, rock-em-sock-em robot kind of fight, but, you know, an argument: Pick [...]

Matz’s comment undermines integrity of rulemaking process

Matz’s comment undermines integrity of rulemaking process

by: Keith Leggett Despite being in the middle of the risk-based capital proposal comment period, National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) Chairman Debbie Matz announced on March 9 that the agency will issue later this year [...]

Debit card EMV readiness clear as mud

Debit card EMV readiness clear as mud

With all the complexity surrounding EMV® for debit cards, you may be asking yourself whether consumers, or even the industry, are ready to move forward with the migration to chip payment cards. And you’d [...]