News Archives

CFPB moves to regulate payday loans

CFPB moves to regulate payday loans

by: Henry Meier Today, our friends at the Bureau That Never Sleeps (AKA the CFPB) take their first formal but cautious steps towards regulating not only payday loans, but what I am going to describe [...]

6 tips to maximize social media marketing campaigns

6 tips to maximize social media marketing campaigns

by: Carie Schelfhaudt Not long ago, about the only way to get people to like your financial institution’s Facebook page or follow you on Twitter was to offer a monetary incentive, usually in the [...]

First things first

We measure so many things. Risks. Delinquencies. Hold times. ROA. Staff turnover. Assets. Take a look at any of those things. Your ROA may be .89.  Your assets may be $573 million. Your telephone hold [...]

Finding solutions for today and the future

Finding solutions for today and the future

by: Glenn Gibson There’s a great quote attributed to Bill Gates circa 1999 floating around the internet: “If General Motors had kept up with technology like the computer industry has,” he allegedly said, “we [...]

US teens low on financial literacy

US teens low on financial literacy

by: Christina Pontisso Eileen Holley of Money Mix, explains that when it comes to knowing and understanding finances, USA teens are far behind compared to international teens. PBS NewsHour conducted a study to see how [...]

One-stop mortgage shopping an opportunity for credit unions

One-stop mortgage shopping an opportunity for credit unions

by: Tandy Vincent Nationally recognized consumer advocate, Clark Howard, recently posted an article encouraging homebuyers to compare mortgages to ensure they get the best interest rate. Howard says “the difficulty of getting a mortgage has [...]

3 words describing the modern business development professional

3 words describing the modern business development professional

Today will examine words that describe the modern business development professional. In the same vein, this is not a scientific or comprehensive list. Rather, it is simply intended as an introductory and 30,000 foot [...]

Cultivating success with support

Cultivating success with support

Here’s an eye-opening stat: About 80% of highly effective loyalty programs have a dedicated team.1 Which leads us to a conundrum. Employees focused exclusively on a rewards program are critical for success…but [...]