News Archives

Future considerations for tokenization

Future considerations for tokenization

by: Brandon Kuehl Tokenization, or the replacement of sensitive payment data with a unique identifier called a token that cannot be mathematically reversed, has a number of implications for financial institutions (FIs) that issue credit [...]

Get new members for the best possible price

Get new members for the best possible price

Until April 8, you can help kick start a collaborative program aimed at boosting CUs’ market position. by: Kathryn Clancy Remember the last time you tried to explain to a friend from out of town [...]

Firestorm on Facebook creates a nightmare for credit union

Firestorm on Facebook creates a nightmare for credit union

An ugly situation with an Alabama credit union illustrates why having a social media policy signed by all employees is absolutely essential. An employee of MAX Credit Union is accused of publishing Facebook posts that [...]

Social proof marketing opens accounts

Social proof marketing opens accounts

by: Joe Swatek How do you know an item you plan to buy is worth the money you’re asked to spend? Probably, you read reviews written by people who purchased and used the item. [...]

Consumer education key to successful #EMV chip card rollout

Consumer education key to successful #EMV chip card rollout

by: Georgann Smith Community financial institutions (FIs) are viewed as a trusted source of financial education for consumers. As the U.S. payments industry continues its migration to EMV chip cards, it’s essential for [...]

Is your credit union telecom strategy outdated?

Is your credit union telecom strategy outdated?

Voice communications are extremely important to your credit union. From your call centers to your collections office, your members and staff rely on solid voice capabilities.  In fact, voice/telecom systems are often listed as [...]

Taking your success to the next level

Taking your success to the next level

by: Dan Berger Leaders know what it takes to be successful. In fact, our successes, at least on a professional level, can often be seen by others. A couple examples: a decision made that led [...]

Are you marketing or just making noise?

Are you marketing or just making noise?

People receive over 3,000 advertising messages a day (more or less depending on your source). But are they receiving your credit unions’? They probably are not receiving your messages if all you are doing [...]