News Archives

The morning after

The morning after

by: Henry Meier Just as you should have a plan to rapidly recover your credit union operations in the event of a natural disaster, so too should you have a plan to rapidly get up [...]

How a new brand transformed a retail branch

How a new brand transformed a retail branch

Branding touches everything. Your people and your products. Your boardroom and your break room. Your mission and your marketing. And especially your branches. Inspire Federal Credit Union offers an excellent example of a credit union [...]

Go make a difference

Go make a difference

This past weekend I had the pleasure of attending the confirmation of my grandson Christopher. Milestones in a young person’s life are very important and ones which involve a person’s faith are even [...]

How to structure your credit union for innovation

How to structure your credit union for innovation

by: Matt Calman Innovation, we can all agree, is critical for success, and even survival, in today’s fast-evolving banking industry. At the same time, as every banker knows, innovation is easy to talk about [...]

Moving to Mars to find more time in the day

Moving to Mars to find more time in the day

by: Laurel Stiller Sometimes solutions to big problems appear in the most unexpected places. In my case, a solution appeared while helping my daughter with a recent science project about Mars. It reminded me of [...]

Why analytics requires standard data sets

Why analytics requires standard data sets

With systems designed to capture a robust amount of data on every transaction that occurs throughout the credit union, standard data sets are required to form strong analytics. by: Nate Wentzlaff Credit union leaders must [...]

4 step plan to credit union cloud readiness

4 step plan to credit union cloud readiness

In the Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity (DR/BCP) planning world we use the saying “It’s not IF something happens, it’s WHEN“.  The same is now being said for whether credit union’s will [...]

5 reasons risk management people are brilliant

5 reasons risk management people are brilliant

by: Anthony Demangone Yesterday, I spoke with nearly 200 risk management people attending NAFCU's Regulatory Compliance School. I use the term "risk management" to include internal auditors, compliance professionals, and those with "risk management" in [...]

Member rewards and the modern consumer

Member rewards and the modern consumer

In today’s ultra-competitive credit/debit landscape, the benefits offered can make a substantial difference in a consumer’s mind. Like many other aspects involved in the buying experience, rewards programs are quickly evolving to [...]