News Archives

Enterprise risk management and the Cold War

Enterprise risk management and the Cold War

by: Ken Agle If you think relations between the U.S. and Russia are strained now, consider the 1980s. It was the culmination of the Cold War—an arms race between the U.S. and [...]

Why your members don’t need you

Why your members don’t need you

by: Austin Wentzlaff Consumers, particularly millennials, are becoming less interested in meeting actual people to solve their problems and more interested in doing it themselves.  With the rise of the internet, information is readily available [...]

From vision to reality – ECM in the cloud is here

From vision to reality – ECM in the cloud is here

by: David Jones Remember the days when people laughed at enterprise content management (ECM) in the cloud? Well, those days are gone. Research by analyst firm Ovum has exploded the myth that organizations won’t [...]

How to get the most out of your technology investment

How to get the most out of your technology investment

by: Adria Salas Investing in technology resources can be a big decision for a lending institution—or any business for that matter. Depending on the type of resource, it can be a large monetary investment, [...]

Know your competition in 2015

Know your competition in 2015

by: Shazia Manus These days, credit unions face a number of competitors in payments and lending – from both in and outside the financial industry. There are a number of contenders to which community financial institutions ([...]

Win against new competitors

Win against new competitors

An emerging wave of competition is on the horizon. Here are tips for preparing for them. by: Andrew Tilbury New technologies–particularly digital wallets and social media–and Millennial preferences and expectations are driving the [...]

Learning, Leadership, Legacy

Learning, Leadership, Legacy

by: Chuck Fagan I have an amazing network in my CEO Institute classmates. Since I announced my plan to leave CUES and become CEO at PSCU, I’ve been getting emails and texts from them—[...]

Is mobile banking a habit?

Is mobile banking a habit?

by: Brian Day Consumers are increasingly turning to their mobile devices to conduct financial transactions and other banking functions from anywhere, anytime. The convenience and ease-of-use mobile banking offers is becoming more popular among consumers [...]

Don’t forget to laugh

Don’t forget to laugh

by: Dan Berger I was recently reading through a list of 10 qualities that make a great leader. Most of these were no surprise – honesty, ability to delegate, good communication skills, confidence – but one really [...]

Sex, millennials and credit unions

Sex, millennials and credit unions

by: Darren OReilly That’s three words I never thought I’d write my first blog post on. And no this isn’t a sex advice blog so keep your mind out of the gutter! [...]

New credit scoring means new challenges for CUs

New credit scoring means new challenges for CUs

Lexis –Nexis Risk solutions and Equifax yesterday  described  the details of a pilot program currently underway to examine the creditworthiness of those who aren’t eligible for credit because there is no way of  scoring [...]