News Archives

Your members want a relationship experience

Your members want a relationship experience

by: Jentry Miller We recently came back from the CUNA Marketing and Business Development Council Conference. And even though everyone knows “what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas,” we decided that didn’t really apply [...]

4 Merger strategies credit union directors should consider

4 Merger strategies credit union directors should consider

by: Glen Christensen Mergers are transforming the credit union landscape.  It is, therefore, ever more important for credit union leadership to be addressing the impact of mergers as part of their strategic planning. The NCUA [...]

Credit unions, spelled “C-o-m-m-u-n-i-t-y”

Credit unions, spelled “C-o-m-m-u-n-i-t-y”

by: Joe Winn If you’re reading this, the concept of a credit union supporting their members is unsurprising. It’s what they do, right? By pooling their finances, it enables more competitive rates on [...]

Why are YOU here?

Why are YOU here?

I fielded this question from dozens of friends during CUNA’s huge Governmental Affairs Conference (GAC) last month. It was understandable. After all, I’d served many of them as a keynote speaker at their [...]

Six tips for better email marketing

Six tips for better email marketing

Though phishing scams and spam sometimes give it a bad rap, email marketing is still one of the most viable, effective, and inexpensive tools in the marketing mix, especially for credit unions. However, many credit [...]

Good, until it isn’t…

by: Anthony Demangone The news is sometimes difficult to follow. Lower oil prices were great. Lower gas prices had to be good for America, right? Well, not good for the oil rig workmen after oil [...]

Kevin Spacey: The story is everything

by: Bo McDonald On the eve of presenting a session to the Connecticut Credit Union League titled “Sharing Your Credit Union Story” I came across this video of Kevin Spacey closing out the Content Marketing [...]

Supercharge your referral program

Supercharge your referral program

RewardStream is excited to host an upcoming webinar on Wednesday, April 8th! Geared towards our friends in the credit union space, this webinar will explore some of the of unique benefits a Referral Program can [...]

Five things lenders should do to target millennials

Five things lenders should do to target millennials

by: Kelly Booth There is a lot of excitement about this year's housing market - and for good reason. Low rates, rising home values, lower down payment requirements and an improving economy have created a [...]

Are you rewarding average?

Are you rewarding average?

“At most companies, average performers get an average raise. At Netflix, they get a generous severance package.” —Reed Hastings, CEO, Netflix Let’s be honest. Many credit unions provide just average service. We say we [...]

Don’t get Uber’d

Don’t get Uber’d

We have all heard the Netflix story time and time again. Netflix kills Blockbuster. It’s a simple story. Blockbuster viewed Netflix as a specialty service that would never catch on so they didn’t [...]