News Archives

Preparing for the next system failure

Preparing for the next system failure

In the movie “The Day After Tomorrow”  the climate gets so severe  that millions of people have  to flee to Mexico in search of warm weather.  I was thinking of this plot line as I [...]

Do credit union financial literacy programs work?

Do credit union financial literacy programs work?

by: Gina Ragusa Every April, credit unions rally for National Financial Literacy month, but are their efforts effective? Do consumers really listen (or care to listen) to the wealth of knowledge or does the information [...]

Financial literacy vs financial wellness – a consumer’s view

Financial literacy vs financial wellness – a consumer’s view

by: Rich Jones Credit unions and banks across the country have financial literacy on their to-do list, but what consumers really need/want is a road map to financial wellness, not just financial literacy. Well, [...]

What (and who) is driving global innovation

What (and who) is driving global innovation

It’s incredibly exciting to witness the life-altering innovations taking shape across the globe. Entrepreneur Dean Kamen can transform raw sewage into drinking water. Qualcomm is crowdsourcing the development of a personal medical scanning device — [...]

Why aren’t people using our rewards program?

Why aren’t people using our rewards program?

Because members prefer instant gratification and personalized rewards over delayed gratification and generic rewards. In a survey of 2700 U.K. consumers by Grass Roots Group, 54% said that they believe it takes too long [...]

Farm to table

Farm to table

by: Anthony Demangone I'm not a foodie. But I have many friends who are. More and more people take pictures of their food and post them to Twitter and Facebook. Not for me, but you [...]

Ready to rethink rewards communication?

Ready to rethink rewards communication?

by: Stephanie Schwenn Sebring David Eads, CEO of Mobile Strategy Partners, LLC, Atlanta, says credit union loyalty programs will be most successful when CUs can communicate benefits in a meaningful and consistent way that resonates [...]

7 challenges of implementing a big data & analytics solution

7 challenges of implementing a big data & analytics solution

by: Austin Wentzlaff Most credit union leaders are familiar with the concept of Big Data and business intelligence, but many fail to fully understand the significance they have on their credit union and its future.  [...]

What would a credit union for millennials look like?

What would a credit union for millennials look like?

by: Derek Gillette,  Northwest Credit Union Association Credit Union on Purpose is a fictional credit union created by Gillette to explore what a credit union focused on serving Millennials might look like. In this article, [...]

Dust off your digital millennial marketing plan

Dust off your digital millennial marketing plan

You’ve dusted the shelves, steam-cleaned the carpets, even organized the files. You think your spring cleaning for the year is done. But you missed a spot — a big one. It’s in that forgotten [...]