News Archives

Cooperative Analytics: The standard data model

Cooperative Analytics: The standard data model

by: Nate Wentzlaff The credit union industry is ripe for a Big Data/Analytics harvest.  All the member data is ready; it just needs effective analytics strategies to cultivate its value.  In a previous blog, [...]

Know your value as a financial educator

Know your value as a financial educator

More and more, credit unions and financial institutions are beginning to recognize and embrace their role as financial educators. You are no longer simply the provider of checking accounts, credit cards, and auto and home [...]

Builders and bankers

Builders and bankers

Are you a builder, or a banker? No, we’re not talking about construction here. Nor would I label a credit union person with “the b-word.” About five years ago, I heard an excellent presentation [...]

Three key answers to your data breach questions

Three key answers to your data breach questions

by: Henry Meier Verizon recently came out with its annual analysis of Data Breach Incidents Reports and it is a much read for at least one employee at every credit union. ([...]

Driving adoption of mobile wallets: convenience isn’t enough

Driving adoption of mobile wallets: convenience isn’t enough

by: David Julien Mobile wallet providers made a huge push to acquire users this past holiday shopping season – encouraging consumers to manage card payments through a smartphone app. As an example, Google Wallet offered a [...]

Attention! Attention! No action required ??!!!??

Attention! Attention! No action required ??!!!??

by: Jennifer Anderson-Kapke The CFPB issued a proposal in February of this year to suspend credit card agreement submissions, as required by Regulation Z, for a year while they work on their database, has been [...]

Who will win: Apple Pay or Google Wallet?

Who will win: Apple Pay or Google Wallet?

by: Jared Miller Apple Pay vs. Google Wallet: who’s going to come out on top? It's a pretty trendy question right now. Several credit unions we've talked to are holding back on Apple Pay [...]

Retirement remains a top concern for Americans

Retirement remains a top concern for Americans

Strong retirement planning can make a person's twilight years the best part of his or her life, but many Americans have not adequately prepared for retirement. The potential financial ramifications of this problem are becoming [...]

Innovation is the key for financial services

Innovation is the key for financial services

by: Brian Scott “Innovate or die” has become an Internet buzz phrase of late. While this blunt phrase may seem extreme, in this ever-changing digital world, there’s at least some truth to it. Even [...]

Community involvement is the best PR

Community involvement is the best PR

Two examples and an opportunity. by: Bill Prichard CO-OP Financial Services recently made available the white paper, “Best Practices: Public Relations for Credit Unions.” The paper reviewed the work of six public relations professionals at [...]