News Archives

Being square with seniors

Being square with seniors

The Chicago Tribune recently carried an article that caught my attention. The article entitled “5 Senior Discounts to Avoid” was written by Cameron Huddleston of the Kiplinger Group. The most disturbing part of the article [...]

Four ways to get executive buy-in to your creative ideas

by: Alex Castley Since the Next Top Credit Union Executive competition, people have asked me how to get buy-in from their executive team for some of their creative ideas.  I’m lucky enough that the [...]

Fixing the NCUA’s Fixed Asset Rule

Fixing the NCUA’s Fixed Asset Rule

by: Jane Pannier The NCUA has gone back to the drawing board and reissued a revised proposal concerning federal credit unions’ ownership of fixed assets. The proposed rule issued in 2014 drew mostly negative comments [...]

What and who is driving innovation?

by: Shazia Manus Innovate or die. That’s a recurring message for financial institutions (FIs) today. There’s no doubt innovation is a buzzword, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t incredibly important. In [...]

Credit union industry disruption: NACUSO 2015 – Part 1

Credit union industry disruption: NACUSO 2015 – Part 1

by: Paul Ablack I had the opportunity to attend NACUSO 2015 in Orlando last week. NACUSO is a great conference to interact with other thought leaders in the credit union industry to make valuable business [...]

4 ways to win customers over from megabanks

Most Americans would prefer to use a community-based financial institution, so what's it going to take to get megabank customers switch? by: Gabe Krajicek If all things were equal, two out of three U.S. [...]

Is your credit union a Ruth’s Chris or a McDonalds?

Is your credit union a Ruth’s Chris or a McDonalds?

Easy answer, right? We all want to say that we provide a premium experience for our members. That's what separates us from the "ugly B" and for so many years, we've hung our hat on [...]

When it comes to social proof, we think alike

When it comes to social proof, we think alike

by: Joe Swatek As a financial services marketing professional, your job is to persuade likely prospects to open new accounts and take advantage of services at your institution. That description almost makes it sound simple. [...]

Good vs. great performers

Good vs. great performers

by: Dan Berger While many of my blog posts focus on C-suite executives becoming better leaders, all CEOs and managers would agree that those in our organizations who might not have a leadership position still [...]


by: Anthony Demangone We've heard or seen the numbers. Employees are not engaged with their work. In fact, some have gone so far to say that as few as 13 percent of employees are truly [...]

Do I have to call it nepotism?

Do I have to call it nepotism?

It was a good day at work. by: Josh Streufert I've written before about why I love producing radio. Now I can add one more reason to the list — a precocious, seven-year old, all-pink, all-attitude, [...]