News Archives

3 things consumers love about online referral programs

3 things consumers love about online referral programs

The final installment in our CX/UX series will look at the aspects of online referral programs that really excite your customers and get them to sign up and start spreading the word about your [...]

The new power couple

The new power couple

by: Terry Dooley The mobile phone has evolved from primarily a voice medium into a rich channel for data exchange and consumer interaction. The convergence of mobile communications with self-service (via the marriage of mobile [...]

Aligning your team

Aligning your team

How often have you worked with a team that just isn’t on the same page? This common work situation of being misaligned is not the team’s fault but the responsibility of the leader/[...]

Always be careful saying never…

I was suckered into reading a "click bait" story recently. 10 Phrases Successful People Avoid (but losers use). Ugh, what a terrible title. But I clicked. And guess what? There was some gold hidden in [...]

Millennials like debit over credit

Millennials like debit over credit

Gen Y avoids debt and may prefer debit rewards. by: Stephanie Schwenn Sebring According to a recent Wells Fargo survey, Millennials are leery of debt after seeing what transpired during the 2008 economic recession. Many [...]

April brings out Wild About Saving

April brings out Wild About Saving

by: Christina Pontisso All year long credit unions support their younger members by educating them to make smart financial decisions. In order that they may spend, save, budget, borrow wisely in their adult life. This [...]

Top 10 threats to your credit union operations

Sure Tornados, Hurricanes and other Natural Disasters are Threats. But what are the most likely threats to your credit union? When was the last time you performed a Threat Assessment? As part of CURecover, OGO [...]

Put your money where the miracles are

Put your money where the miracles are

For the eighth year in a row, credit unions have the opportunity to raise money — including an additional $1 million in Miracle Match funds — for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Over 10 million children receive [...]

The best of credit union marketing: cool, classy & creative

The best of credit union marketing: cool, classy & creative

The Diamond Awards are like the Oscars of the credit union industry. The 2015 winners were announced at CUNA's annual conference for marketing and business development professionals in March. Here are a dozen of The [...]