News Archives

Start your engines…online!

Start your engines…online!

Auto buying has changed dramatically in the last several decades. The purchase of a car no longer starts when a customer walks through the door of a dealership. So it is important for credit unions [...]

Passwords plus biometrics

Passwords plus biometrics

It may be time to jump into fingerprints and voice recognition for securing mobile banking. by: Robb Gaynor Security is paramount when defining a digital strategy for both mobile banking and Internet banking. And, until [...]

Prepaid cards in line to complement corporate credit

Prepaid cards in line to complement corporate credit

by: Jeff Faulk Corporate expenses have long been the realm of credit cards, but prepaid could soon be breaking through (or at least making a dent) in that barrier. Currently, Javelin reports 42 percent of [...]

One-to-one marketing using a telecom referral program

One-to-one marketing using a telecom referral program

Friends and family are the most trustworthy source of recommendations to most consumers. According to a Nielson report on “Consumer Trust in Advertising,” 84% of people say they trust the reviews and suggestions of people [...]

Strengthen your position with chocolate bars

Strengthen your position with chocolate bars

by: Megan Miranda If you know anybody at Third Degree, you know we love chocolate. So it’s not surprising that we recently had a discussion that used different brands of chocolate as an illustration [...]

Leadership and GPS – “Recalculating”

Leadership and GPS – “Recalculating”

Wouldn’t life be great if we had a “life GPS”. You know, “Darn, I missed that exit” followed by an immediate “recalculating” from a calm voice. It didn’t matter how I failed to [...]

What leaders don’t want to hear

What leaders don’t want to hear

Even if you’re the most optimistic, upbeat and encouraging boss, you cannot assume your employees experience the same love, appreciation and dedication for the job that you do. Minda Zetlin, coauthor of “The Geek [...]

Facebook dips toes in P2P payments

Facebook dips toes in P2P payments

by: Brian Day Worldwide more than 500 million people use Facebook Messenger, an instant messaging service and software app. Facebook recently announced Messenger users now have the option of using the app to make person-to-person ([...]

Top 4 ways CFOs are maximizing ROI with AP automation

Top 4 ways CFOs are maximizing ROI with AP automation

by: Katie Alberti Ask finance executives their thoughts on Accounts Payable and they’ll likely give you the same answer – it’s the cost of doing business. But tech-savvy CFOs realize the value AP automation [...]

Tips for installing popular technology in the branch

Tips for installing popular technology in the branch

The branch is changing.  From the square footage and employee headcount to the products themselves and how they are sold– the cadence of change has never moved with more alacrity than today.  When consumer preferences [...]

7 questions for smart outsourcing

7 questions for smart outsourcing

by: Mike Plante Any outsourced arrangement needs to offer benefits for the credit union – whether this be cost, knowledge or another factor – while not negatively impacting or relinquishing control of direct member services. This decision [...]