News Archives

Design is the new differentiator in mobile banking

As understanding of basic mobile banking applications increases and the differentiation between mobile banking apps becomes less defined, the importance of mobile design takes center stage. The key is to combine functionality with simplicity. by: [...]

Get off your “but”

Get off your “but”

Michael Hyatt is one of my favorite bloggers. If you are not following him on Twitter and reading the great information he offers on his website, you should. One of his posts from awhile back [...]

The top ways millennials are using technology

The top ways millennials are using technology

It’s a simple fact: Millennials love their technology. We don’t need a 10 year study to prove what we constantly see – young people with their noses stuck in a smart phone, tablet or [...]

Just who is the underdog?

So, I'm in Key West for a NAFCU conference. I always try to read a book on these trips. Before I left, I looked at my pile of WTBR books. Those are my "Waiting to [...]

Never tell me the odds: UDAAP strikes back

Never tell me the odds: UDAAP strikes back

by: Suzie Higbee We know that a blog post about Unfair, Deceptive, or Abusive Acts or Practices may not be everybody’s idea of good time. But that doesn’t diminish the importance of keeping [...]

Three cost-saving benefits to outsourcing collections

Three cost-saving benefits to outsourcing collections

by: Mark Damon Most businesses, financial institutions included, are always looking for ways to save money on basic operational costs. The goal is to run a lean and mean operation, right? Efficiency is the name [...]

The credit union information security risk assessment

The credit union information security risk assessment

by: Robin Remines I’m not a gamer but I live with two. And on any occasion that I happen to pass by their consoles I can be assured I’ll see two meticulously outfitted [...]

Credit union industry disruption: NACUSO 2015 – Part 2

Credit union industry disruption: NACUSO 2015 – Part 2

by: Paul Ablack Last week in my blog, Credit Union Industry Disruption: NACUSO 2015 – Part 1, I talked about the pending threat of Big Bang Disruption in the financial services industry and the growing prominence [...]

Limited funds with lots to pay for

Limited funds with lots to pay for

by: Christina Pontisso Originally appearing in “101 Ways to Build Wealth,” authors Daniel Bortz, Kara Brandeisky, Paul J. Lim, and Taylor Tepper provide tips for millennials struggling to make it out as their own in [...]