News Archives

Tips for a smooth, cost-effective EMV implementation

Tips for a smooth, cost-effective EMV implementation

by: Brandon Kuehl As with any new technology, there are upfront expenses and procedures that must be considered when transitioning to EMV chip cards. A recent Credit Union Times article shares five time - and [...]

Matz to DOD: Don’t go loco on payday loan reforms

by: Henry Meier No one celebrates Cinco de Mayo like the Irish, so it’s only natural that NCUA Chairwoman Debbie Matz went to Ireland to ratchet-up her spot-on criticism of the Department of Defense’[...]

It’s better to be real than perfect

It’s better to be real than perfect

Presenters at the Financial Brand Forum explain why sharing shortfalls is just as important as touting strengths. by: Aaron Pugh You’d be hard-pressed to find many companies in existence today that don’t cite [...]

Are you living under a rock?

Are you living under a rock?

August 1st is less than three months away. I hope you understand the significance of this date. If you don’t, you may have been living under a rock for awhile. The Truth in Lending [...]

Drinking from the fire hose of knowledge

Drinking from the fire hose of knowledge

by: Amanda Brenneman Last year, drinking water out of a fire hose became my modus operandi. From learning about Strategic Planning at Wharton, to a new position as Program Manager at the Northwest Credit Union [...]

Why not you?

Why not you?

by: Anthony Demangone Leading a company isn't easy. Things are stacked up against you. Regulations. Competition. Not enough time. Not enough resources. There are many reasons why you might not succeed. But then I love [...]

Banking’s game plan for wearables

Banking’s game plan for wearables

As credit unions decide whether to support wearables, it is important to analyze the market and build a game plan for success. by: Shobhit Mathur, Ajay Yadav and Craig Besnoy, Mindtree The official inauguration of [...]

How bad content is undermining your marketing strategy

Financial institution marketers pour a great deal of time, energy and money into providing content for their consumers. The hope is that, through this content, consumers will be swayed to at least give that institution [...]

@ Isn’t just for e-mail!

@ Isn’t just for e-mail!

by: Joe Winn A month back, we took on the mysterious hashtag, #. Case closed. You’ve got that character down. Was it you who shared, “Tuesday our #creditunion branch served 300 members. Before lunch! #nowimhungry”? [...]