News Archives

Builders, bankers and risk

Builders, bankers and risk

Our last article, titled “Builders and Bankers,” highlighted the difference in leadership style between builders and bankers, using the analogy of building a hot fire in a wood stove vs. banking the coals to keep [...]

Become a Vendor Assessment Jedi

Become a Vendor Assessment Jedi

by: Randy Lindberg, Founder and Managing Partner with Rivial Security (A Quantivate Partner) There are some ordinary steps that you can take to assess vendor due diligence. But, you don’t want to be ordinary… [...]

Credit unions can break dangerous inertia with innovation

Credit unions can break dangerous inertia with innovation

by: Shazia Manus In a recently released white paper exploring financial institution (FI) innovation, I highlight the importance of agility for credit unions to achieve market relevance. In the paper, “Reimagined Banking in the Age [...]

HAMP and HARP to be extended

by: Henry Meier To no one’s surprise, FHFA Director Mel Watt announced in a speech Friday in California that the GFE’s would extend their participation in the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) and [...]

Personalized lending for the digital consumer

Personalized lending for the digital consumer

Financial institutions are ready to lend and consumers are ready to borrow, creating a perfect storm of lending opportunity. But, traditional loan acquisition programs often miss the mark due to lack of alignment with consumer [...]

How to balance technology and branches

How to balance technology and branches

I saw a Frost Bank commercial recently that impressed me. It says there are a lot of ways to connect with Frost (Apps, Website and ATM’s) but to be honest none of these connections [...]

Defeating a loser mindset

Defeating a loser mindset

by: Dan Berger Think positive. These are common words we’ve all heard, thought and probably said on occasion to get out of a negative mindset. Despite their possible overuse, the words are true: your [...]

Knowing when it is over…

Knowing when it is over…

Just this week, the Muscular Dystrophy Association announced that it was ending its decades long telethon. Good for them. Now, don't misunderstand me. I have nothing but love and respect for the telethon. If you [...]

Some retailers still lagging in EMV readiness

Some retailers still lagging in EMV readiness

by: Brandon Kuehl While the majority of card issuers appear to have their acts together on EMV chip cards, retailers are in another place altogether. ACI Worldwide surveyed merchants regarding EMV preparedness during a National [...]

Do you know the answers to these questions

by: Henry Meier Don’t be fooled by the fact that it’s a beautiful morning here in Albany New York and Memorial Day is right around the Corner. These are actually compliance omens.  It [...]