News Archives

The right online mindset is key to membership growth

The right online mindset is key to membership growth

Credit Unions, at least in the eyes of the general public, are notorious for having outdated websites, inconsistent social media efforts and little to no mobile presence. While that’s an exaggerated sentiment, it’s [...]

Credit unions: This is our time

Credit unions: This is our time

We can grow our membership, help consumers by differentiating our integrity I suggest that credit unions have an edge. We have worked for decades in relative obscurity, which should work in our favor—emerging as [...]

When the door opens, act

I spent the better part of this week in Louisville, Kentucky. NAFCU hosted its Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee Conference. It was a huge success, and we have a lot to live up to [...]

Is your credit union ready for EMV?

Is your credit union ready for EMV?

EMV players prepare for Oct. 1 by: Lisa Hochgraf Credit union members are starting to get EMV “chip” cards in the mail. Big merchants are placing point-of-sale readers that can handle the new cards in [...]

Prepare for changes in data collection rules

Prepare for changes in data collection rules

by: Edward Kramer, EVP, Wolters Kluwer Financial Services In 2015, expectations loom large for lenders around finalization of rules for the new Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data collection requirements. Created as part of the [...]

Just how strong is the economy?

Just how strong is the economy?

by: Henry Meier With apologies to those of you who hate sports analogies, some recent research produced by the Federal Reserve Banks of New York and Chicago demonstrates that we are living in a wedge [...]

Label at your own risk

Label at your own risk

Marketers love labels. After all, labeling helps us focus our promotions. Since we know for a fact certain demographics are drawn to certain products and services we design entire campaigns geared to one or two [...]

Value is in the added security

Value is in the added security

by: Brandon Kuehl Cost concerns, delays in smoothing out technical details and hold-ups among plastic card suppliers have slowed some community financial institutions’ (FIs’) transition to EMV chip cards. However, there remains strong value in [...]