News Archives

What ARE credit union referral rewards?

What ARE credit union referral rewards?

by: Gillian Smith In a recent conversation with a colleague, we had a philosophical, almost existential debate about referral rewards, chiefly, what are referral rewards? Right now, you might be thinking “that’s a stupid [...]

Is your credit union ready for Hispanic homebuyers?

Is your credit union ready for Hispanic homebuyers?

Begin your strategy to connect with them today. by: Wallace Jones As a leading mortgage partner within the credit union industry, we are often asked what the future of home lending will look like. Will [...]

Credit Union difference blindsides bankers

by: Jim Nussle Frank Keating really fumbled his assessment of how credit unions work (After the NFL Decision, It’s Time for Credit Unions to Stop Abusing the Tax Code, Roll Call, May 8) – but [...]

Build trust with millennials by teaching them how money works

Build trust with millennials by teaching them how money works

And why credit unions have a moral responsibility to teach their members financial literacy Credit unions sell trust and relationships as core values. Yet, so many are facing member loyalty dilemmas that have never been [...]

EMV Knowledge Center is a valuable resource

EMV Knowledge Center is a valuable resource

by: Brandon Kuehl Since its inception in 2012, the EMV Migration Forum has worked to bring all payments industry players together to work collaboratively toward a successful EMV migration. To that end, the forum recently [...]

Credit unions need to put emotion into member experience

Customer experience in banking has been relegated to a subservient position, responsible for 'ease of use' and measured by questionable customer satisfaction scores. Lost in the translation is the emotional ties consumers have with their [...]

To re-name or not to re-name

To re-name or not to re-name

A recent article in Adweek magazine highlighted the absurdities in a number of Internet start-up company names. These ran the goofy gamut from Qoop and Heekya to Fairtilizer and the surreal Doostang. The crux of [...]