News Archives

Credit unions’ next big lending opportunity

Credit unions’ next big lending opportunity

by: Brad Powell "We're sensing a really deep, pent-up demand for automobiles. ... Auto loans are really a place where we can have our strongest impacts." - Ahmed Campbell, vice president of credit operations at Municipal [...]

Score one for the trolls

Score one for the trolls

by: Henry Meier The Supreme Court feels your pain when it comes to those increasingly ubiquitous demand letters sent to your credit union by Patent Trolls out to shakedown your credit union for using technology [...]

Ideas to build and live your credit union brand

Ideas to build and live your credit union brand

Building and living your credit union brand is challenging. After all, if it were easy financial institutions would be perceived as an Apple, Google or Coca-Cola (some of the best brands going today). Instead, most [...]

Feasting on the status quo

Feasting on the status quo

by: Anthony Demangone The "status quo" is powerful.  Extremely so. But why is that? What makes the status quo such a strong force? I think it is because so many people are invested in keeping [...]

To connect with millennials, stay connected!

To connect with millennials, stay connected!

Go where they go; know what they know. by: Lauren Giannini You can’t ignore the Millennials. Also known as Generation Y, Millennials make up the largest generation, more than 80 million people. This is [...]

The insider threat

The insider threat

by: David Jones An interesting shift in mindset was on display at the recent RSA Security Conference in San Francisco. People have stopped focusing on perimeter security – which is essentially the act of stopping the [...]

What do credit unions have that banks don’t?

What do credit unions have that banks don’t?

One thing banks don’t have that credit unions do have: cooperation among themselves. It’s a huge competitive advantage that has greatly benefited credit unions and their members. Credit unions work together, hence the [...]

5 benefits of purchasing software as a package

5 benefits of purchasing software as a package

by: Cyndy Stewart Financial institutions are not immune from having to invest in technology. At some point, in order to remain efficient and serve your customers, you will be forced to adapt to and implement [...]