News Archives

What the strong U.S. dollar means for you

What the strong U.S. dollar means for you

by: Caitlin White The U.S. dollar is stronger today than it has been over the last few years. What does that mean? When we talk about the U.S. dollar being stronger, it’s [...]

What is flawless credit union branch experience in 2015?

What is flawless credit union branch experience in 2015?

The next time you walk into one of your branches, ask yourself this: “What do all of these people want?” It’s a valid question, considering that more and more transactions are being done outside [...]

Attracting college students to your credit union

Attracting college students to your credit union

The transition from high school to college is an exciting change for millions of Americans every year. In a lot of ways, the move symbolizes the transition from childhood to being an adult. There are [...]

Can you point out your credit union’s appendix?

Can you point out your credit union’s appendix?

When I was about 14-years-old, a sharp and searing pain rocked through my lower abdomen early one morning at school. Before lunch that day, I was on the operating table having my nearly-ruptured appendix removed. [...]

Spice up your credit union marketing

Spice up your credit union marketing

by: Gillian Hames Recently, our friends over at CodeCondo shared an excellent piece on the benefits of referral marketing and the current tools available to any business wanting to implement a formal program. We couldn’[...]

Path to a perfect policy

Path to a perfect policy

by: Suzie Higbee One of the first places a regulator will start during any given examination is by looking at a financial institution’s policies, which is one good reason you should keep yours in [...]

Financial planning and Dementia

Financial planning and Dementia

Caring for a loved one who has been diagnosed with dementia can be a full-time job. From the day-to-day chores to the long-term planning, this situation can be stressful and scary, not just for the [...]

Millennials first in line for prepaid cards

Millennials first in line for prepaid cards

by: Jeff Falk When it comes to understanding and using reloadable prepaid cards, Millennials lead the way. A recent survey polled more than 1,300 American consumers — including some who currently use reloadable prepaid cards [...]

Congress must act against cyber crime

Congress must act against cyber crime

by: Frank Keating, Richard Hunt, Jim Nussle, Tim Pawlenty, Camden R. Fine, B. Dan Berger, Jim Aramanda When consumer expectations don’t match reality, things can go terribly wrong. Americans expect companies with which they [...]

License to statisticize

License to statisticize

by: Ron Shevlin You need a license to drive, a license to surgerize, a license to anesthesize…and it’s about time you needed a license to statisticize. The abuse of statistics has been rampant [...]