News Archives

Can you admit mistakes?

Can you admit mistakes?

Saying you’re sorry – it’s not just mandatory for kids in preschool. A leader who can admit when he or she has made a mistake – and who can own that mistake, and apologize – can [...]

Maximizing future ignition of mobile money

Maximizing future ignition of mobile money

by: Dan Glessner "Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it." This quote from Edmund Burke, an 18th century British orator, politician, and philosopher, still rings true today… even within the new [...]

4 things your examiner wants you to know

4 things your examiner wants you to know

by: Matt Wilhelm Having a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) and identifying IT risks (with policies in place on how to mitigate those risks) are required for credit unions to remain compliant. According to the FFIEC [...]

We want to see a credit union woman on the $10 bill!

We want to see a credit union woman on the $10 bill!

by: Christina Pontisso It’s official! A woman will appear on the $10 bill beginning in 2020, confirms the US Treasury Department. As explained in the USA Today article, Move over Hamilton! Treasury to put [...]

When cars drive themselves…

When cars drive themselves…

Driverless cars. I haven't seen one on the roads yet. I don't know anyone who has. But this phenomenon could affect your bottom line. Not today, but down the road a bit. Driverless cars could [...]

The economic impact of Gen Y on credit unions

The economic impact of Gen Y on credit unions

Both credit unions and banks have to reach younger consumers if they want to thrive in the future. While you might want to, you can’t write off Generation Y (those born between 1982 and [...]