News Archives

Ideas versus change

Ideas versus change

by: Anthony Demangone Every once in a while, I like to see what happened on a particular day.  Let's take today, for instance. If you scroll through the list, you'll see scores of events that [...]

Top 3 recovery strategies for credit unions

Top 3 recovery strategies for credit unions

When you start to think about Credit Union DR Strategies it can be overwhelming. It was hard to identify just 3 of the many strategies needed but here is my top 3  disaster recovery strategies [...]

Banking in the bedroom and bathroom

Banking in the bedroom and bathroom

You’ve probably heard it said that mobile banking means consumers can interact with your financial institution far and wide. Banking anywhere. Banking everywhere. Banking on the go. How about banking “while you go?” According [...]

Time of transition for credit unions

Time of transition for credit unions

Did you know that more than one-third of chief executive officers in the credit union industry will be eligible for retirement within a few years? The percentage of executives on senior management teams who could [...]

Bridging the brand gap

Bridging the brand gap

by: Mark Arnold Branding can change a credit union. The key word is “can.” Many times a credit union embarks upon a new brand or recreates an existing brand. Perhaps the board, management team or [...]

NCUA proposes to eliminate MBL waiver process

by: Brandy Bruyere During its Thursday, June 18th meeting, the NCUA Board issued a proposal to amend the Member Business Loan (MBL) rule which aims to provide regulatory relief from some of the more prescriptive [...]

Finding the true value in higher education

Finding the true value in higher education

by: Laurel Stiller I was recently reading the Washington Post and came across an excellent article called “College is not a commodity. Stop treating it like one.” In the article, the writer, Hunter Rawlings, gives [...]

How to survive Google’s Mobilegeddon

How to survive Google’s Mobilegeddon

If your website design is not optimized to be viewed on a mobile phone, it should be. A comScore report says smartphones and tablets combined now account for 60% of all online traffic. And now, [...]

Stop trying to attract everyone in your advertising

Stop trying to attract everyone in your advertising

by: Joe Swatek Many advertisers, including credit unions, waste advertising budgets by producing ads that don’t attract the audience who most want the product or service they’re promoting. With a little care and [...]

Securing the cloud

Securing the cloud

With more than half a billion records of personally identifiable information (PII) stolen in 2014, the time has come for organizations to ask the question: how will you protect your information and data? The sophistication [...]