News Archives

My love/hate relationship with The Facebook

My love/hate relationship with The Facebook

Okay, I'm going to admit it now - I do GET the Facebook. And yes, I'm on it almost daily, spying on my nieces and nephews, posting food porn and living vicariously through Julie Ferguson. [...]

The best and worst credit union naming strategies

The best and worst credit union naming strategies

by: Samantha Strickland What’s in a name? Well, only everything and nothing. It’s according to your situation. There was a day when Yellow Page position was top priority, thus AAA names were king. [...]

Send your credit union to summer camp!

Send your credit union to summer camp!

There’s something about summertime that always reminds me of the carefree, playful, adventurous days of my youth. Whether my memories are triggered by catching a whiff of sunscreen mixed with chlorine or hearing classic [...]

Gen Y financial literacy: Problem or problem solved?

Back in April 2012, USA Today ran an article with the title Millennials Struggle With Financial Literacy. How bad was the problem? According to the article: The Treasury Department and Department of Education have teamed [...]

New era for commercial lending compliance?

by: Erin O'Hern NCUA has started to make in-roads regarding regulatory relief in a surprising way. At their recent board meeting, NCUA announced a proposed rule to ease regulatory restrictions impacting member business loans (MBL). [...]

Are you marketing for the digital age?

by: Henry Meier It’s never good when a blog post puts you to sleep and even worse when it’s one you have written, so as important as NCUA’s proposed MBL changes are, [...]

Should credit unions go with Android or Apple Pay?

Should credit unions go with Android or Apple Pay?

by: Kim Velten It’s been almost a full year since Apple Pay rolled out, and after a slow start, it’s starting to go full steam ahead. Every day you are hearing reports about [...]

How Altra FCU lowered its membership age by 3 years in 3 years…

How Altra FCU lowered its membership age by 3 years in 3 years…

Has Altra Federal Credit Union achieved what famed Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon couldn't: discover the mythological Fountain of Youth? Perhaps. You see, Altra has accomplished something that a vast majority of credit unions [...]