News Archives

Why we love mobile device management (and you should, too!)

Why we love mobile device management (and you should, too!)

by: Matt Wilhelm For starters, here is a refresher on what is mobile device management: Mobile Device Management, commonly shortened to MDM, is a software platform for managing mobile devices (mobile phones and tablet computers) [...]

Time for a strategic planning makeover?

Time for a strategic planning makeover?

by: Glenn Christensen All industries face changes that require a strategic planning makeover, and the credit union industry isn’t much different. New market developments, client needs, along with various regulations, are most likely challenging [...]

Frictionless omni-channel experience

Frictionless omni-channel experience

“A great customer experience doesn’t feel like it was by design at all!” (CM World) Credit unions should engage members by creating the right purpose and value, while providing a frictionless omni-channel experience where [...]

Leadership: It’s more than a business plan

Leadership: It’s more than a business plan

Recently, a colleague shared with me a TED Talk by Bill Gross, Founder, Chairman and CEO of Idealab, a business incubator in California that has started over 100 companies, including Citysearch, NetZero, PETsMart and Tickets.[...]

Can you versus should you

Can you versus should you

Many years ago Nike famously attempted to launch a new product line: Nike jeans. Their company is all about shoes, athletic apparel and sports. A far cry from jeans. Nike spent millions and millions of [...]

Millennials get it, but do credit unions get it?

Millennials get it, but do credit unions get it?

Increasing numbers of millennials are choosing credit unions over big banks for a number of reasons. When credit unions understand these reasons and focus on improving them, their average membership age will drop and overall [...]

System integrations the COO will love

System integrations the COO will love

COOs are continually seeking these four things: Improved member service Improved processes Improved efficiency Engaged staff To accomplish these goals they require new software, tools, applications, employee interfaces and a continual stream of real-time member [...]

Help your members avoid these mistakes

Help your members avoid these mistakes

I read an excellent article on the online version of the Housing Wire about the 8 common mistakes that first time home buyers make and how to avoid them. It gave some practical advice to [...]

Mobile payments and big data

Mobile payments and big data

“…wallets may generate substantial data that will lead to better member insights and possibly also profits.” – Kirk Drake, founder and CEO of Ongoing Operations, LLC In a highly competitive financial services industry, credit unions are [...]

Advantages of a single processing partner

Advantages of a single processing partner

As a credit union, you are competing for your members’ business every time they visit an ATM, swipe a card or sign on the dotted line. To make sure payment transactions are fast, easy and [...]

Two tips for getting the trust of millennials

Two tips for getting the trust of millennials

Offer money management education and use analytics to target individuals within Gen Y. by: Laura Lynch Many credit union mission statements include the words “trusted financial partner,” observed Jesse Boyer, president/CEO of CUES Supplier [...]