News Archives

3 Ways to fund the advancement of female leaders

3 Ways to fund the advancement of female leaders

Three practical methods for injecting financial support into the lives of promising young women across the globe are scholarship, microfinance and equal pay. Each of these approaches is already helping advance female leaders to deserving [...]

The resilient credit union

The resilient credit union

OK, the examiners just left. You received glowing marks for your asset management, your interest rate risk controls, your credit risk analysis program, and your investment portfolio. You got outstanding comments for your asset recovery, [...]

No more pop psychology – professionals need coaches!

No more pop psychology – professionals need coaches!

Professional coaching is a relatively new profession in the United States and in many other countries. The profession fulfills a need for fresh perspectives, enhanced decision making, progressive interpersonal effectiveness, increased emotional intelligence, and leadership [...]

Watch out for the mentoring gap

Watch out for the mentoring gap

There is a mentoring gap in business today. This gap was highlighted in a Stanford University study cited by the Institute of Organization Development that found: “Another critical area of development for CEOs was mentoring [...]

Getting ready for TILA/RESPA (again)

Getting ready for TILA/RESPA (again)

Now that the deadline for the Truth in Lending Act/Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act integrated disclosures rule is approaching – again – it’s time to ensure that all ducks are in a row. Unfortunately, despite [...]