News Archives

Credit unions can lead the way

Credit unions can lead the way

After the recent terrorist attack conducted on the people of Paris, France by the despicable ISIS forces, individuals are left wondering what the world has come to. The United States on September 11, 2001 experienced [...]

Where the rubber meets the road

Where the rubber meets the road

After recent events related to disasters, scandals and attacks consumed the news cycles, I asked myself why more organizations don’t take corporate preparedness more seriously. We all strive to improve internal processes, employee morale [...]

The steady rise of call center fraud

The steady rise of call center fraud

Call centers. They’re often the first and preferred point of contact for customers wanting to do business with your credit union. While it’s important to provide an unparalleled customer service experience, agents also [...]

Nice to meet you: The new definition of service

Nice to meet you: The new definition of service

“We provide great customer service.” From advertisements and website mission statements, to sales presentations and trade shows, we’ve heard this message from companies in every industry more times than we can count. But what [...]