News Archives

5 considerations for implementing FASB’s CECL Model

5 considerations for implementing FASB’s CECL Model

Automation has been used across banking systems to streamline data input, reduce duplication and make calculations more reliable. However, the Allowance for Loan and Lease Loss (ALLL) calculation has traditionally been a cumbersome process, combining [...]

Getting smart about chip technology

Getting smart about chip technology

Over 13 million U.S. citizens fell victim to identity fraud last year, costing financial institutions a total of $15 billion[1]. To better guarantee customer security in 2016, more and more credit unions are [...]

Saving small credit unions with big data

Saving small credit unions with big data

“...Chartering a credit union nowadays is a difficult (almost impossible) task. When a credit union merges today, its charter ceases to exist. If… five months later, someone realizes they should have given that credit union [...]