News Archives

Is anyone winning the mobile wallet wars?

Is anyone winning the mobile wallet wars?

Consumer awareness of mobile payments is on the rise, largely due to the heavy publicity surrounding the launches of Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and Android Pay. More than 50 percent of consumers say they are “[...]

Not all data is big

Not all data is big

Big data. It’s one of the latest buzz words flying around these days. I don’t mean to downplay its significance or how it will change how all businesses operate, but when it comes [...]

Royal execution

Royal execution

In my hometown, the Royals’ World Series victory last year has all of Kansas City buzzing about the possibilities of this year’s season. Will they be able to replicate their successes?  Was last year [...]

Wooing GenZ with your mobile strategy

Wooing GenZ with your mobile strategy

Those in the GenZ, post-millennial generation are often described in terms both descriptive and derisive - inattentive, apathetic, or technologically addicted. Of course views, and the truth, vary, and the stereotypes often don’t apply. [...]

What counts in leadership

What counts in leadership

When I think about what counts in leadership, I often reflect on the early years of my career when I worked at Procter & Gamble. When P&G has a product in a particular [...]