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9 components of personal finance

9 components of personal finance

There is a lot more to an effective financial plan than balancing your checkbook and sticking to a budget each month. You should be creating a financial plan that aligns with, and helps you achieve [...]

5 ways to lower your bills

5 ways to lower your bills

When you are looking for more ways to save money, the best course of action is always to cut back on spending. Once you cut out all of the unneeded expenses from your life, you [...]

Score one for the CFPB

Score one for the CFPB

My mother would occasionally tell my father that he was never right. His response was that even a broken clock was right twice a day. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), in the minds of [...]

If Big Blue can pivot, so can you

If Big Blue can pivot, so can you

When asked to think of an agile, design-focused business, Apple or maybe Tesla probably come to mind. IBM probably won't – but maybe they should. Having invented everything from mag stripe cards and the ATM, to [...]

Financial advice for new parents

Financial advice for new parents

As prepared as you’d like to be for a new arrival, nothing can absolutely ready you for this enormous change to your life. Don’t let financial stress overshadow the excitement of welcoming a [...]