News Archives

The power of negative self-audits

The power of negative self-audits

Self-audits are wonderful.  Review a list of things you should be doing, and see where you come up short. But I really like negative self-audits.  These are things you should not be doing. A popular [...]

6 ways to motivate your team

6 ways to motivate your team

Create a pleasant work environment There’s a good chance you spend roughly a third of your day at the office, so make it a place your employees want to be. Everything from temperature to [...]

Life hacks from a single mom

Life hacks from a single mom

“If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything”- Michael J. Fox as Marty McFly Daily life can be quite challenging, especially as a single parent. Raising a child independently can be [...]

Leverage the power of local

Leverage the power of local

“Local” has become much more than a word that defines proximity or size. Local embodies the way people think, feel and connect with their communities. Local is a way of life, especially for Millennials, and [...]

The value, or cost, of an entrenched board

The value, or cost, of an entrenched board

Long-serving board members have a perspective from their service through many years, and perhaps decades, to an organization to which they volunteered with passion and commitment. I listen in awe to stories told by long-tenured [...]

4 steps to getting a raise

4 steps to getting a raise

Research your value Your value is your weapon in fighting for a raise. Do research by looking at salaries for comparable jobs in your field. If your job performance is top notch, show evidence of [...]