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5 simple time management tips

5 simple time management tips

Be realistic with your workload First things first: Never commit to more work than you can actually accomplish. I like to get as much done as possible as well, but you have to understand that [...]

Social media: A guide for parents

Social media: A guide for parents

In the digital age of today, it seems everyone is on some form of social media. From Instagram and Facebook, to LinkedIn and Twitter, social networking sites connect us not only with people across town [...]

4 reasons you should volunteer

4 reasons you should volunteer

We all know that it’s important to give back. Sometimes that means giving money to your favorite charity and sometimes it’s as simple as volunteering with a local non-profit. Whatever you choose to [...]

The line on credit

The line on credit

Believe it or not the line on credit is that in order to accrue it, you have to use it but not to the extent some would think. The debt-averse have a hard time comprehending [...]