News Archives

A tale of two websites

A tale of two websites

Once upon a time, in the kingdom of URL, there lived two identical twin Online Marketing Managers. They managed two of the king’s banking websites which were the same in every way: They looked [...]

5 ways to stop spending money

5 ways to stop spending money

Give yourself a waiting period We all make impulse purchases from time to time. One minute you’re harmlessly surfing the internet, the next minute you’re looking at a $100 pocket-size flashlight and before [...]

6 bad work habits

6 bad work habits

Everyone has bad habits, it’s part of human nature. These negative behaviors don’t necessarily make you are bad person, but when they happen in the office, it could make you a poor employee. [...]

Mr. Trump goes to Washington

Mr. Trump goes to Washington

After a tumultuous campaign in which he violated every rule of American politics, and with a promise to “drain the swamp” in the nation’s capital, Mr. Trump is going to Washington. In a stunning [...]

Do you really want it?

Do you really want it?

About three years ago, a friend sent me a YouTube video. It blew my mind.  There are a number of versions out there. If you are into sports or working out, I'd watch this one. [...]

The best laid plans

The best laid plans

Credit union succession planning often seems to be one of those back burner issues that we will get to when we really need it. Unfortunately, that need can be unpredictable. Beyond the timing uncertainty, succession [...]

Life hacks from Clark W. Griswold

Life hacks from Clark W. Griswold

National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation is an unforgettable holiday classic. No matter how many times I've seen it, every time is like the first. I can't get enough of Clark W. Griswold and his family, [...]