News Archives

Chill out. Christmas ain’t ruined.

Chill out. Christmas ain’t ruined.

Watching other humans overreact is occasionally baffling, sometimes frustrating, and often funny. As Christmas approaches, there’s plenty of overreacting to be seen on social media. Here are some of my favorite overreactions I’ve [...]

How Ebenezer Scrooge saved a credit union

How Ebenezer Scrooge saved a credit union

This meeting was dead: to begin with. After all, 'twas the credit union management meeting before Christmas. Jim from HR couldn't stop thinking about the sugar cookies in the break room. Alice in Marketing hid [...]

Tips for networking successfully

Tips for networking successfully

Getting started Sometimes, the hardest part of networking is actually making an effort to connect. The idea of talking to people you don’t know can be slightly terrifying. Trust me, I’ve been there. [...]

Wrapping up 2016: A holiday review

Wrapping up 2016: A holiday review

If your credit union is anything like most businesses, fourth quarter and the holiday season mean excess! -- Excess loan demand as members scramble to borrow money for Christmas presents, holiday travel, New Year’s [...]