News Archives

Measuring a marketing program

Measuring a marketing program

“The times, they are a changin’…” and that’s increasingly true when it comes to Checking Acquisition programs.  Gone are the days of spray and pray saturation programs (drawing a radius around each branch and [...]

Getting to orange

Getting to orange

You heard it when you were a kid. You probably don’t remember when you heard it for the first time, nor do you recall the first time you passed it along to someone else.  [...]

3 tips for delivering bad news

3 tips for delivering bad news

We know delivering bad news is never easy. You may be tempted to find a way around having to convey an uneasy message, but as a leader it’s important that you become more comfortable [...]

The high cost of poor credit

The high cost of poor credit

Bad credit is an expensive burden that can cost credit union members much more than a low FICO® Score.  Bad credit doesn’t just affect members’ loans; it actually branches out to many other areas.   [...]