News Archives

Dinner, with a lesson

Dinner, with a lesson

Recently, I had the pleasure of dining with a number of successful credit union CEOs.  As much as I could, I sat back and listened. At one point, one of the CEOs joked that her [...]

Initiating the credit union advocacy movement

Initiating the credit union advocacy movement

Since the passage of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, less than 50 percent of politicians in office at that time remain in office today. This statistic and others create a challenge [...]

Merchandising is essential to a profitable branch

Merchandising is essential to a profitable branch

When used strategically, a merchandising program can establish a powerful, personal, and long-lasting relationship between your organization and the member. In best practices, merchandising can be one of the most powerful marketing tools, one that [...]

4 tips for using humor at work

4 tips for using humor at work

They say “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” I don’t know Jack (stop laughing), but I assume “Jack” means “everyone.” When you’ve worked yourself to death, it helps to [...]