News Archives

4 simple ways to thank your employees

4 simple ways to thank your employees

Thanksgiving may be over but it’s important that as a leader you always remember to show your staff the appreciation they deserve. Unfortunately, in many workplaces, employees are not told “thank you” enough which [...]

3 ways to get a raise

3 ways to get a raise

The holidays are here, Black Friday is imminent and you could use a few extra bucks in your pocket. Most of us have felt that way at one time or another. If you or someone [...]

Stop budget shaming your credit union

Stop budget shaming your credit union

One of the most popular questions I am asked as a marketing consultant is “how much should we have in our marketing budget?”  The “formulas” and rules of thumb for this are numerous.  However, many [...]

Anyone can cook

Anyone can cook

Ratatouille’s famous Chef Gusteau once stated, “Anyone can cook.”  Greatness therefore is not limited to a select few, but available to all.  Leaders have the distinct honor and responsibility of crafting an organizational culture [...]