News Archives

Berger: NAFCU ramping up data security push in new year

Berger: NAFCU ramping up data security push in new year

NAFCU President and CEO Dan Berger asserted the association's ongoing focus on winning passage of comprehensive data and cybersecurity legislation, one of the association's top priorities for 2018, in an op-ed published yesterday in CUTimes. [...]

5 steps toward increasing your firewall security

5 steps toward increasing your firewall security

October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, which means it’s a fitting time for financial institutions to examine their cybersecurity efforts and protocols, and make any necessary adjustments. However, with such high-profile cybercrimes as WannaCry, [...]

Social media can help you get your next job

Social media can help you get your next job

A survey by Jobvite, a leading recruitment technology firm, recently reported some interesting findings from a base of employment recruiters. Consider these three key points:a. 92% of recruiters report using LinkedIn to hire candidatesb. [...]

4 ways to save in January

4 ways to save in January

Christmas is over and that means most of us are strapped for cash. January can be a tough month for many recovering from holiday spending. Here are four ways you can save a little dough [...]

Loan Zone: Auto loan compliance

Loan Zone: Auto loan compliance

For financial institutions, avoiding risk completely is impossible. However, managing risk surrounding auto loans is definitely achievable with a well-developed collateral protection program. An effective program enables a financial institution to monitor and mitigate risk [...]

The heart of the movement

The heart of the movement

One of the best parts of my job is getting to wake up every day and tap into the energy of the credit union movement. CUNA’s mission is to support, protect, unify, and advance [...]

Here’s what you really need to know

Here’s what you really need to know

Just like my favorite rapper, T.I. –I’m back baby and better than ever! If you’re anything like yours truly, you’ve been thinking more about a perfectly cooked roast with creamed spinach [...]



I like resolutions. Some don't, and I understand why. A resolution can seem hollow, especially when you see people make them year-after-year, and fall short. But I'll see the glass as half-full. Resolutions to me [...]

Digital and data, two sides of the same coin

Digital and data, two sides of the same coin

Numerous predictive and hyper-personalized experiences have led to a significant shift in consumer expectations. Fitbit tells us how many stairs we must climb to lose 10 pounds by the holidays. Kayak clairvoyantly advises us when [...]