News Archives

The top reasons for selecting a new core provider

The top reasons for selecting a new core provider

Last week we published the article Top Features Credit Unions Look for in Core Providers, where we discussed what credit union executives found to be the most important features they are looking at when evaluating [...]

Kick your company communication into overdrive: Part 1

Kick your company communication into overdrive: Part 1

Communication—especially in the workplace is critical to a healthy work environment. Whether you’re in management or not, effective communication among coworkers and employees can make or break your working relationships. Face it, we [...]

4 ways to make 2018 a year of financial success

4 ways to make 2018 a year of financial success

New year, new you? How about new year, a new financial situation? The start of a fresh new year provides the feeling of a clean slate and an exciting opportunity to change things up. According [...]

5 needs in every workplace

5 needs in every workplace

All five of the following needs have to be met on a personal level in order to be an effective part of a working organization. Leaders that can meet these needs will see employee engagement [...]

Sales-service culture is not a sin

Sales-service culture is not a sin

Few credit unions proudly drape themselves in the mantle of a sales and service culture. Some keep their practice of it hush-hush, like their credit union’s strategy is a speakeasy from the Prohibition Era. [...]

The personalization of data builds brand loyalty and profit

The personalization of data builds brand loyalty and profit

Being all things to all people is stifling many financial institutions ability for achieving market distinction, tailored brand experiences, digital evolution or personalization. Today, successful marketing results require identifying, nurturing and targeting your fastest growing, [...]

How to attract those millennial hires

How to attract those millennial hires

Recent Pew research indicates that millennials are the largest generation in the American workforce today—and, of course—their numbers will only increase in the coming years as younger millennials graduate college and look for [...]

4 ways to create loyal members

4 ways to create loyal members

It used to be said that there's no business like show business. Quite honestly, I think there's no business like repeat business. If you want your credit union to grow, you need to make members [...]

Hispanics: A trillion-dollar (and growing) audience

Hispanics: A trillion-dollar (and growing) audience

Hispanics’ use of a variety of financial products and services—such as credit cards, auto loans, and mortgages—has outpaced that of non-Hispanics in recent years. And their expenditures continue to grow, reaching $1.4 [...]

In-home voice tech beginning to silence mobile use

In-home voice tech beginning to silence mobile use

Mobile use is beginning to suffer at the virtual hands of in-home digital voice assistants, a new study reports. According to professional services company Accenture, which surveyed 21,000 consumers in 19 countries between last [...]

Financial trade groups support AML modernization bill

Financial trade groups support AML modernization bill

Twelve financial groups on January 4th thanked Reps. Steve Pearce (R-N.M.) and Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-Mo.) for introducing an anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing modernization bill that will help prevent criminals from using shell [...]

5 ways credit unions can crush competitors online

5 ways credit unions can crush competitors online

To be successful online, community banks and credit unions must compete head-to-head with both big banks and smaller local institutions within their footprint. This can be a challenge. Big banks spend over $17 billion on [...]

The top social media trends of 2017

The top social media trends of 2017

Have you ever seen a celebrity mention a product in their social media? It probably made you want that product or at least curious about what it is. This is called influencer marketing. It was [...]