News Archives

Will credit union auto lending shift gears in 2018?

Will credit union auto lending shift gears in 2018?

Credit unions continue to see strong gains in auto lending, but tried-and-true tactics may need a tune-up in the year ahead. According to Bob Child, chief operating officer at CU Direct, a “softening” of used [...]

Two bills worth knowing about

Two bills worth knowing about

Bloomberg news is highlighting two bills passed by Congress yesterday that I think are worth knowing about. First there is H.R. 1457. This bill would set a national standard for financial institutions, including credit [...]

Houses passes CUNA-backed MOBILE Act

Houses passes CUNA-backed MOBILE Act

The House voted 397-8 Monday night to pass the CUNA-backed Making Online Banking Initiation Legal and Easy (MOBILE) Act of 2017 (H.R. 1457). The bill, introduced by Rep. Scott Tipton (R-Colo.) would allow financial [...]

NAFCU continues push for reg relief ahead of Trump’s SOTU

NAFCU continues push for reg relief ahead of Trump’s SOTU

Ahead of President Donald Trump's State of the Union address tonight, NAFCU is calling for increased regulatory relief for the credit union industry. NAFCU is actively engaged with the administration and Congress, federal regulators and [...]

Are you a dumb bank?

Are you a dumb bank?

This is a spiritual continuation of a series from a while back, titled Are You A Dumb Pipe. The idea is related; read on to understand how. For every 100 members buying a car, 8 [...]

Welcome to the real world

Welcome to the real world

Colleges and universities continually produce a fresh wave of enthusiastic workers. They are the future professionals, leaders and specialists of your credit union. These well-educated graduates are eager to change the world in their chosen [...]

Ask Mike: Back office incentives

Ask Mike: Back office incentives

Do you have a question about improving sales, employee performance or sales cultures? In our new column, Michael Neill, CSE, will take your questions and offer his best advice. Neill is president of Michael Neill &[...]

Commercial lending in 2018: Open for business

Commercial lending in 2018: Open for business

It won't be business as usual in 2018. Change is in the air in commercial banking, from new technologies and players to possible shifts in regulations and the tax code. How credit unions respond to [...]

Savings rate dips to pre-recession low

Savings rate dips to pre-recession low

Consumers ended 2017 by accelerating spending faster than their incomes, squeezing their savings rate to its lowest levels since the eve of the Great Recession. The U.S. Commerce Department reported Monday that personal savings [...]

Bank of America and the end of free checking

Bank of America and the end of free checking

Bank of America has been phasing out its no-maintenance fee eBanking account for a while, but in January 2018 they finally decided enough was enough and pulled the final plug on the product. BofA’s [...]

What you need to know to prevent fraud in 2018

What you need to know to prevent fraud in 2018

Fraud in 2018 will actually look a lot like fraud in 2017. These familiar fraud trends will include: Major data breaches Online phishing attacks & payment scams Non-chip enabled card fraud ACH & wire transaction [...]