News Archives

The key to understanding millennials

The key to understanding millennials

Misconceptions about millennials pervade politics and business, says pollster and author Kristen Soltis Anderson, including the idea that they don’t vote. But understanding this generation is becoming increasingly important for both politicians and businesses, [...]

Bill pay trends and how to compete

Bill pay trends and how to compete

Bill pay is no longer limited to desktops or even financial institutions. New players have recognized the inherent value of a bill pay relationship and have big plans for capturing that business. What can your [...]

Beef up your protection

Beef up your protection

Is it just me, or does it feel like this year is pretty “light” when it comes to new regulations? Now that by no means is a bad thing, it just feels a little weird [...]

The CFPB is constitutional . . . for now

The CFPB is constitutional . . . for now

Oh well, it’s on to the Supreme Court hopefully. Yesterday the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia put the dreams of constitutional extremists like myself on hold when it ruled that the [...]

NAFCU, DCUC relay MLA compliance challenges to DoD, NCUA

NAFCU, DCUC relay MLA compliance challenges to DoD, NCUA

NAFCU and the Defense Credit Union Council (DCUC) told the Department of Defense (DoD) in a letter Wednesday of the compliance challenges associated with its explanation of guaranteed acceptance protection (GAP) insurance housed within the [...]

3 ways to improve your commute

3 ways to improve your commute

Speaking from personal experience, you can easily have a love/hate relationship with your commute. Sometimes it can be a drag (like when it’s raining and there’s a traffic jam), and sometimes it’[...]

PR Insight: Make the most of your news release

PR Insight: Make the most of your news release

News releases are a great way for credit unions to get the word out about what they offer, what they are doing and to differentiate themselves. Unfortunately, many credit unions may not have staff familiar [...]