News Archives

CFO Focus: Digital transformation as a shared vision

CFO Focus: Digital transformation as a shared vision

Ask most credit union C-suites to describe their digital transformation goals, and chances are the CMOs and CTOs will be brimming with ways to leverage data, analytics and technology to become even more member-centric. Query [...]

Data-savvy banking organizations will destroy everyone else

Data-savvy banking organizations will destroy everyone else

To prepare to succeed in an increasingly competitive banking environment, banks and credit unions will need to become intelligent organizations, enabling quicker, insight-led decision making. More than ever, the winning financial institutions will leverage data, [...]

New Co-Creation Councils reveal the true power of partnerships

New Co-Creation Councils reveal the true power of partnerships

From the world’s first ATMs, debit cards and online banking systems to our ever-expanding shared branch network, credit unions have brought to market some of fintech’s most impactful innovations. So, what is it [...]

The final prepaid rule: Version 3.0

The final prepaid rule: Version 3.0

Since 1982, no less than seven different cuts of Ridley Scott's science fiction masterpiece Blade Runner have been shown to theater audiences. The initial workprint version didn't test well, so the studio re-cut it, adding [...]

Berger reiterates CUs’ ADA concerns to Chairman Goodlatte

Berger reiterates CUs’ ADA concerns to Chairman Goodlatte

NAFCU President and CEO Dan Berger updated House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., yesterday on the flood of meritless lawsuits facing credit unions filed under website accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act ([...]