News Archives

Planning, patience, and perseverance

Planning, patience, and perseverance

What does it take to implement a successful strategy? That’s a million- dollar question, and if a consultant had a failproof method for guarantee of strategic success, they would have no shortage of high-paying [...]

Why choose our credit union?

Why choose our credit union?

In his work with credit unions developing strategic plans and identifying growth strategies, Scott Butterfield of Your Credit Union Partner, Seattle, has come across plenty of mission and vision statements. He uses a single word [...]

PODCAST: Creating awareness through loyalty

PODCAST: Creating awareness through loyalty

One of the best ways to fulfill your brand promise is to ask members how well you’re adhering to it, unconventional marketer Scott Stratten says. Often, you’ll discover a disconnect that impedes your [...]

Hack #1: Know where your tech investment money goes

Hack #1: Know where your tech investment money goes

Life hacks. They pop up on your social media feed all the time. Hammer time? Use a clothespin to hold the nail. Crazy cords? Organize them with a repurposed paper towel roll. They’re smart [...]

What every credit union needs to know about SEO

What every credit union needs to know about SEO

Everyone is looking for something to complete them. Some are searching for the perfect partner. Some just want the perfect job or the perfect pet. And some people, somewhere out there, are searching for their [...]

Industry Insights: Let’s get busy this year

Industry Insights: Let’s get busy this year

Nobody can be sure what will happen in banking in a volatile economic climate like this 2018 year. Investors are biting their nails waiting for a recession. Realtors debate whether the next inevitable housing bubble [...]

Want to know what your customers need? Just ask.

Want to know what your customers need? Just ask.

As digital banking has matured, consumer behavior has shifted substantially. People now interact with their financial institutions through digital channels far more than through any other touchpoint. As the way people come to their bank [...]

Culture of impatience impacting consumer expectations

Culture of impatience impacting consumer expectations

No longer just a luxury, speed has quickly made the transition from being a ‘nice-to-have’ to a ‘need-to-have’ across all industries. The demand for instant gratification has made retailers rethink delivery options. Smartphone apps have [...]

Why the healthcare industry loves credit unions

Why the healthcare industry loves credit unions

As the baby boomers are growing older, so grows the need to provide healthcare for this aging population.The number of US healthcare jobs recently surpassed those in manufacturing and retail for the first time [...]

Government shutdown ends as Congress passes 2-year funding deal

Government shutdown ends as Congress passes 2-year funding deal

Congress has reached a deal to fund the federal government for two years, ending a brief government shutdown. The previous funding measure expired at midnight Thursday; the president is expected to sign the measure. The [...]

3 apps you should delete now

3 apps you should delete now

Okay, first of all I’d like to say that I love smartphones. Years ago, I started off with the original Motorola Droid. That phone was an awesome upgrade on the flip phones that I [...]