News Archives

Heightened security standards affect FinTech

Heightened security standards affect FinTech

“The FSB will continue to monitor and discuss the evolution of the potential financial stability implications from FinTech going forward, using its existing Financial Innovation Network.  While there are currently no compelling signs of macro [...]

Why your members are in debt

Why your members are in debt

According to an August 2017 report from CareerBuilder, nearly 3 in 4 workers say they are in debt, and more than half of those think they always will be. Why is that? Well, here are [...]

The challenge of offering feedback

The challenge of offering feedback

Startling statistics indicate we spend more time with our co-workers than our spouses, significant others, or family. Given how much time we’re at work and the reliance we have on our coworkers, inevitably situations [...]

Police crack cold case murder of CU employee

Police crack cold case murder of CU employee

Justice may finally come for the daughters of a woman who was brutally murdered while she was working alone at a Wisconsin credit union branch 36 years ago. Robin Mendez, 69, of Minocqua was arrested [...]

Many POVs on ‘fake news’ BS and how it’s affecting CUs

Many POVs on ‘fake news’ BS and how it’s affecting CUs

Turn on any cable news network, follow any politically charged Twitter streams or open your Facebook app and you’re bound to read someone wailing about ‘fake news.’ On Feb. 25, the Underground Collision will [...]

Rebranding: Embarking on an Amazon journey

Rebranding: Embarking on an Amazon journey

When a rebrand comes out of left field, your executive team, your board, even your frontline staff, may be thinking, “at least take me out to dinner first.” A rebrand won’t fix a high-friction [...]

Mnuchin offers some hints at how Treasury will handle banking of pot biz

Mnuchin offers some hints at how Treasury will handle banking of pot biz

As the Trump administration considers removing Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) guidance that has allowed financial institutions to open accounts for marijuana businesses without running afoul of federal regulators, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin offered some [...]

Deferred compensation: Not just for CEOs

Deferred compensation: Not just for CEOs

When Bruce Foulke joined American Heritage Federal Credit Union in 1979, it was a $5 million financial institution serving 4,000 members. Under the CUES member’s leadership as president/CEO, the credit union has [...]

NAFCU updates ADA FAQ to aid CUs impacted by litigation

NAFCU updates ADA FAQ to aid CUs impacted by litigation

NAFCU updated its FAQ document for those credit unions with concerns about website accessibility requirements under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The latest document, which now includes the association's cease-and-desist letter to the law [...]