News Archives

More consumers feel at home with online mortgage origination

More consumers feel at home with online mortgage origination

Rarely do new homeowners describe their mortgage origination experience as fast, easy or convenient. That may be changing as consumers grow more comfortable with digital loan practices – and lenders reset expectations on how to deliver [...]

How contact centers can drive sales at credit unions

How contact centers can drive sales at credit unions

In Cornerstone Advisors’ What’s Going On in Banking study, senior executives at financial institutions were asked how “future-ready” business functions within their institutions are. Just 26% of execs said the contact centers in their [...]

Three consumer-friendly marketing tips

Three consumer-friendly marketing tips

As banks and credit unions continue to attempt wooing the hearts, minds and pocketbooks of consumers, marketers must find increasingly people-friendly ways to achieve this goal. It’s only by growth (both acquiring new consumers [...]

Tax law changes bring new excise tax

Tax law changes bring new excise tax

Chances are you’re still trying to make sense of the recent tax law changes. The changes affect nearly all taxpayers and touch a wide variety of taxes- including corporate, estate, partnership and “pass through” [...]

Remember, you are mortal

Remember, you are mortal

I love reading anything by Ben Carlson. His blog never seems to disappoint. While it is aimed at investors, I find his thoughts and counsel applicable to nearly everything. Last week, he touched upon "The [...]

Trump, CU CEOs discuss issues at White House

Trump, CU CEOs discuss issues at White House

Several NAFCU-member credit union CEOs met at the White House Monday to discuss industry issues with President Donald Trump. "It was an honor to meet with President Trump, and we are appreciative of the interest [...]

Good Governance: First 100 days of 2018

Good Governance: First 100 days of 2018

CEOs, presidents and other executives all create 100-day plans as they embark on a new assignment, or they may devise a hundred-day refresh plan as they move downstream and feel the need to recalibrate. Could [...]

CU trades encouraged following meeting with Trump

CU trades encouraged following meeting with Trump

Having met with President Trump Monday afternoon, the leaders of the two major credit union trade groups said they are convinced that Trump understands their worries about the regulatory burden they face and that he [...]