News Archives

3 business reasons for advancing women

3 business reasons for advancing women

When CUES was considering starting up a digital publication focused on advancing female credit union leaders, our magazine team reached out to industry women who currently lead and who aspire to leadership roles. The positive [...]

HR Answers: 10 talent management mistakes to avoid

HR Answers: 10 talent management mistakes to avoid

“Going into 2018, the stakes for CEOs have jumped dramatically in how they manage people,” says Stephen Miles of The Miles Group, New York, which develops talent strategies for organizations, teams, and individuals with a [...]

A ‘credit union nerd’ with a cause

A ‘credit union nerd’ with a cause

New CUNA Board Chairman Maurice Smith is a self-professed credit union nerd, and it's a label he wears loudly and proudly. "I might not get an Olympic medal for credit administration. I’m sure there [...]

Analysis finds many log-ins on CU internet banking sites are bots

Analysis finds many log-ins on CU internet banking sites are bots

Twenty-five percent of log-ins on one credit union’s Internet banking solution came from bots, not consumers, according to a new analysis into “scrapegators,” also known as “aggregators,” which are companies that scrape Internet banking [...]

Six strategic keys to becoming a mobile-centric credit union

Six strategic keys to becoming a mobile-centric credit union

Sure, everyone knows that mobile is important. It’s impossible to ignore the statistics showing how more and more consumers are interacting with their financial institutions through mobile channels. But banks and credit unions still [...]

Focusing on what’s really important

Focusing on what’s really important

Strategic plans mean different things to different people. Obviously, you’ll have a great diversity of opinion at the average strategic planning table. The CEO is pulling for one thing, the CFO another and marketing [...]

Give members a home experience not a mortgage

Give members a home experience not a mortgage

As technology continues to transform the lives and expectations of members, they increasingly turn to businesses that can provide them an end-to-end solution combined with a customized experience, before they may even know they need [...]