News Archives

This week: Reg relief push, CU update with NAFCU, FOM suit hearing

This week: Reg relief push, CU update with NAFCU, FOM suit hearing

Both the House and Senate are in Washington this week with a special focus on regulatory relief. The Senate is expected to resume discussions today on the NAFCU-backed Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection [...]

We can’t be bystanders

We can’t be bystanders

I recently had an annual doctor's visit. Upon leaving my appointment and getting in my car, I noticed at the emergency entrance a couple hundred feet away, a somewhat large, older man that had fallen [...]

Content marketing: Don’t play it safe

Content marketing: Don’t play it safe

Chris Brogan issued a plea at the CUNA Marketing & Business Development Council Conference Sunday in San Francisco: “Stop putting junky marketing out into the universe.” That starts with creating high-impact marketing content, says Brogan, [...]

The future of credit unions depends on collaboration

The future of credit unions depends on collaboration

NACUSO is the only trade association dedicated to serving, protecting and promoting the CUSO movement and we are driven by the 6th cooperative principle: Cooperation among Cooperatives. We don’t think it’s just a [...]

Why to avoid straw poll decision-making in the boardroom

Why to avoid straw poll decision-making in the boardroom

Using a documented—and agreed upon—decision process helps credit union boards of directors be more effective, says John Oesch, associate professor at Rotman School of Management, at the University of Toronto and faculty for [...]

What else is new with marijuana banking?

What else is new with marijuana banking?

A couple of weeks ago, I blogged about what's new with marijuana banking.  Among other things, I provided an update on one credit union's ongoing efforts to become the first credit union chartered to support [...]

Cultivating high-performing teams

Cultivating high-performing teams

As leaders, we need our teams to perform at their best and highest level 100 percent of the time. How do we do it? Chris Hallberg, author and leadership coach, and former staff sergeant in [...]

NAFCU’s popular ADA FAQ document updated

NAFCU’s popular ADA FAQ document updated

NAFCU recently revised its widely downloaded Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) FAQ document for those credit unions with questions and concerns about litigation threats related to unclear website accessibility requirements under the act. This updated [...]