News Archives

3 steps for CU members’ financial success

3 steps for CU members’ financial success

Now is the perfect time to evaluate how your credit union can help your members focus on their financial success and how you can help them accomplish their financial goals. Whether your members have plans [...]

Senate poised to pass NAFCU-backed reg relief bill

Senate poised to pass NAFCU-backed reg relief bill

The NAFCU-backed Senate regulatory relief bill (S. 2155) is being prepped for passage in the Senate this week.  Meanwhile, the House is already identifying bipartisan relief measures it may want to add to the bill [...]

Your mission demands it

Your mission demands it

Why does your credit union exist? Go ahead and think about it for a moment. I’ll wait. Is it to provide safe storage and management of your members’ money? To help those in troubled [...]

Prepare for disasters, big and small

Prepare for disasters, big and small

Effective disaster recovery and business continuity plans will help credit unions address both large and small disruptions to minimize the impact to the credit union, staff, and members. That was one lesson from a panel [...]

Consumer credit growth slowed during January, but…

Total consumer credit expanded at a slower pace in January, rising by 4.3% after a 6% monthly increase in December. NAFCU Chief Economist and Vice President of Research Curt Long, in a Macro Data [...]

Your attention is being stolen (and you’re letting it!)

Your attention is being stolen (and you’re letting it!)

“Hold that thought for just a moment.” “Let me grab this call.” “Now, where were we?” How often have you uttered these phrases in conversations that were interrupted by a phone call, text message, or [...]

Leadership lessons from improv

Leadership lessons from improv

We humans don’t make decisions based solely on data; we make them based on emotion, backed with available data. If you want to impact an audience—to influence, affect, inspire them to action—you [...]