News Archives

Artist sees the whole picture

Artist sees the whole picture

On the surface, Erin Laney’s position as senior executive assistant at Charlotte (N.C.) Metro Credit Union seems straightforward enough. You’d expect her to provide administrative support to the CEO, other senior executives, [...]

Credit unions lack growth gene

Credit unions lack growth gene

Why don’t credit unions capture market share? It’s in their DNA not to. In the March 2018 issue of CU Management, the topic of credit union market share was addressed in the feature [...]

30-day loan promo brings “Best Month Ever”

30-day loan promo brings “Best Month Ever”

“Our credit union is too small to compete.” While this may sound like a statement of unfortunate fact, it’s a common excuse that exposes a lack of will and creativity. The small credit unions [...]

From Hours to Minutes: A seven minute loan story

From Hours to Minutes: A seven minute loan story

The digital revolution has completely refashioned the way we approach our daily lives. Examples abound across industries of how companies have evolved their strategies to anticipate, meet and exceed changing consumer expectations. Consider how Starwood [...]

New credit card support features to keep members transacting

New credit card support features to keep members transacting

In the age of mobile/digital, consumers expect easy, fast and convenient service from brands anytime, anywhere.  In fact, according to a 2018 Forrester report, “We’re at a tipping point for customer service operations. [...]

House passes e-filing, child ID theft protection bills

House passes e-filing, child ID theft protection bills

The House passed two tax-related bills Tuesday; one adds new requirements for organizations regarding electronic filing of tax returns, the other would help protect children from having their identities stolen. The House is expected to [...]

Stop grandpa marketing

Stop grandpa marketing

In order to keep the new member pipeline flowing, credit unions have to start doing a better job of targeting people 16-21 and even younger. This is when financial habits are established that will last [...]

Calculated risks, proven success

Calculated risks, proven success

He happened into the credit union world somewhat by chance, but Bob Falk’s path to success has been forged through carefully calculated decisions. Falk, CEO of Purdue Federal Credit Union (PFCU), is lauded by [...]